
The Capitalists are Coming!

It's Halloween.

This year is the first year it hasn’t really meant anything to me. This year is also the second year I haven’t gone trck-or-treatuing. For some reason I don't care at all this year, it could be because I'm so f'ing tired today.

The last two nights I have stayed up until at least 3:30. Friday night my mom had a party. It was big... like 30+ people and like 100+ beers. Lets just say that by the end of the night I was the only sober one there. It was mainly people I work with or have met before but there were a few I didn’t know. As the sober one (and the under age person) I was in charge of driving people and watching the fire. The fire was fun, it was a big bon-fire that I made a pit for the morning of. It's pretty good size, big enough to fit pallets in. I also lined the bottom with cinder blocks, which just made it burn uber hot. (The next morning I found several melted bottles in the ashes.)

Last night, was Dungeons & Dragons night. (Yes I'm a DnD geek.) We wanted to start playing around 12:00; we started at 3:00. But the delay gave me enough time to make enchiladas. (I found out that I am able to cook... the world is doomed.) Anywho there are 3 players (including me) and a DM (Dungeon Master.) Two of the guys I've known since middle school, and I'm pretty good friends with. The third... is well... the definition of a freshman. He may be a junior, but oh my gosh... he can be so loud, naive, and annoying! I swear there is some disorder in his little head. I feel kind of bad about saying that but it's true... Anywho we role-played until 3:30. (After the time change.) It was long and exhausting but it was fun.

Well this is prolly the most boring entry I have ever written in, and I hope this will stay the most boring one...


Anonymous said...

Here I am Logan!! Positng a comment, i hope you appreciate it!!! Meredith Commentary.... YAY!!!!! comment comment comment comment... i like your blogs.

Anonymous said...

yeah!!!!!!!!! GO DnD!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i think D&D players either have no imagination of their own or have an extreme one. I like the pictures of the crazy animals and stuff. But i prefer making up my own games, with 12 sided dice...

kabuku6 said...

I would say for the most part DnD players have a rather busy imagination. To play DnD you have to create your own character and within doing that you have to make their entire background from birth to preasent. Reasons why they use the weapons they do, why they are the alingment the player chose, what drove the character to become whichever class they are. Sure there may be a lack of imagination in the creation of the system but even that can be changed. Infact I have actually played DnD games set in the future. The rules had to be changed but it was used as a base. The entire games play is also effected by ones imagination, how well you act like your character, how to get out of tight situations, battle tactics and stradgy. They all must be created.

Anywho thats my argument...