
The True Me

Today I decided to follow in my cousin’s footsteps and create a blog...

The main purpose of this is really to let the general public (or whoever I feel like telling about this,) see the true me. As I was making this blog I was looking through the different page setup options and none of them really appealed to me that much... Sure there are dark ones, green ones, and light ones, but none of them fit my personality. I need something that says "I'm all dark and sinister but that doesn’t stop me from playing with kittens." So I caved and picked the one that you see today. Later I'll prolly mess with the code and see how "Evil Kitten" I can get.

So as some, many, or none of you may know I'm not the generic person I dress up everyday to be. I'm actually quite... um... un-generic? And at times I wish that not all my pants were khaki, and that I wore crazy coats, and maybe even... um... comb my hair? People never see the true "LOGAN OF DOOM" that I am.

Well this is the first installment of myself and I please stay tuned for later... um... installments?

1 comment:

Corinna AKA Corinna said...

I love how in your writing you kind of come of as a goth hippy. Which I guess you are a bit, but not.

So... should I get you a crazy coat for Christmas or something?