
The Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast food is most likely the best invention ever. (Up there with thunderstorms.) Just because it's labeled as breakfast food does not mean you can only eat it at breakfast time. In fact I think cereal is great for dinner or even a mid-night snack. (Mainly because it’s so easy to make.) Take a look at Denny's; they serve breakfast at anytime of the day, pure genius if you ask me. Lets take a look at your breakfast foods, eggs very good, meat super good and, toast the reason to live. Now just think of adding them all together, maybe throwing on some cheese, and suddenly you have one of the best sandwiches ever, (besides the ones I used to make,) edible at anytime of the day!

Now one breakfast food that is very under-rated is pizza. Pizza is an amazing breakfast, and almost the entire food pyramid rolled into one edible slice. Look at a piece, it has all your basics, crust for your grains, sauce and onions for your veggies, cheese for your dairy, any number of meats for your protein, and the grease to top the pyramid. It is truly an ultimate breakfast food.

Breakfst is good, don't skip it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Breakfast too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pizza is underrated as breakfast, you are right! I love bacon the most though...mmmmmmmmmmm greasy pig......gotta love it! :P