
The Goldfish View

Apparently I'm a poet. Sure it’s not a bad thing, but how useful is it? I can't go out on a street and recite it to people for money. (I could but then the police would prolly come as escort me elsewhere.) I see no real point in being a good poet. How hard is it to throw together a couple words that mean absolutely nothing to you but the world to everyone else? I mean I can write a poem about anything...

Goldfish have no use,
They swim like they do not care for anything else.
Never even caring that they are in a cage no bigger then a humans head.
They are drones, programmed to survive.
Let us take their example,
Let us eat, drink, and be merry.

I mean how f'ing hard was that? It wasn’t! Then again that’s prolly a bad poem but the fact remains, poetry is easy! Anyone can emulate a poet.

To be a good poet nowadays I think it would help to only read newspapers, and boring textbooks. If you follow that one of two outcomes can occur. One, your poems are so boring by the end no one is awake to dislike them. Or, two, your creative sense is going into overdrive due to the lack of interesting works and thus makes your poetry uber good.

My name was never important.
I will be gone before you notice I was here.
You have ignored my existence for more then long enough.
By the time you have a chance to look again I will be gone.
When I'm gone you'll notice the emptiness but not know what is missing.
Tonight is my departure but you don't know.
People will ask and only you will know the answer.
I have left, gone forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...