
From Pancakes to Kyoto

Today me and Ben (One of my oldest and best friends) made pancakes on the Quad for the second time this year. That was pretty fun in large amounts. I actually made the pancakes he kinda sat there and copied math homework, but it was good. I had many a people come up to me and ask for pancakes and I simply said "Go ahead." I didnt really think of it as that big of deal, even though others thought it was uber cool, and I still dont.

Pancakes are a great metaphor for something... like money lets say. So now I have to relate pancakes to money... um how about this:

When someone gives you a pancake you think how great the person is and eat it. As you eat it you cherish every syrupy bite thinking how good it is and how good the next one will be. (Unless you dont like syrup then you cherish every buttery bite, unless its plain then you're just weird.) As you finish the pancake you notice that you have no more, and wish you did.

So I guess I'm trying to say that money is cherished more with syrup and butter... I mean that you'll apperciate money while you have it, but when its all gone you'll want more, and kill for it. Money is very evil and I think should be banned.

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