
Cut a Rug, or Not

I'm wondering what I should do with my hair. It’s getting really long, like 10-11 inches long. When I started growing it I intended to donate it to Locks of Love or a similar organization. But as it grows longer many people say I should keep growing and wait even longer to donate it. Honestly I don't care what happens to my hair. It's more on my head for other people rather then me, countless numbers of females love it and express that by running their fingers through it. As for how it affects me it has positives and negatives. It gets in my eyes, and food, but it also keeps me oh so warm of cold days.

My hair is to me just a mass of protein I have to keep tidy. To others it is a way to identify me, something to play with and poke jokes at. (It pokes back sometimes.)

I wish I could write more about my hair and the thrown upon which it sits but my train of thought has been interrupted and I feel like going...


Anonymous said...

Logan, i think you should cut your hair, but not too short, i think you look cute with the shaggy longish look. and it is so curly!! i love it!(procedes to run fingers through it...) maybe when bobbie jo cuts hers, you can cut yours...i dunno, i think you should cut it though. but, ultimately of course the choice is yours, it is your hair and you may do as you see fit, far be it from me to tell you what to do!
(CUT IT!!!!!!)
(kidding...kind of...;))

Anonymous said...

i dont know anymore. maybe you should. but only if you want to. seriously you look fine either way. later dude.