
Save a Turkey, Eat a Tree

Holidays are rather useless. I mean they are much more an excuse for having good food rather then celebrating something. How many Americans will sit down at the dinner table tomorrow and think, "Wow, I sure am glad those pilgrims landed in America a couple hundred years ago." I admit that not even I am someone who does that. Christmas is usually more identified for why it was started, but that doesn’t explain why so many atheistic people still celebrate it. Like I said, an excuse to have fun. I'm not saying that celebrating and having fun is a bad thing, but please think of why you're celebrating.

Black Friday. The thought makes me shudder. Stores all mark their items down in price to encourage shoppers to waste their money on something they’d never buy otherwise. I on the other had am going to celebrate "Buy Nothing Day" yes, it's the same day. I know that by not going shopping I personally will not change much since well I shop only 3 days a year anyway.

Well that was my rant for the evening. For all your information I'm not really planning on celebrating tomorrow apart from eating turkey.

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