

Emotion slaghters even the most battle hardened man
They are un-avoidable
The less you aknowlege them the larger they become
Impossible to block out
When they are released it is like a bullet tearing your senses to shreds
You get confused, you don't know whether to cry or laugh
Hoplessly you body squirms trying to get out of the bind
You cry

The other day I was listening to a song (Du Hast, by Rammstein) and I started drying for no reason whatsoever. The song is in German and I don't understand a word of it, but the emotion conveyed in the music, the voice, it was just too much for me. Something is wrong with me and I don't have a clue as to what it might be. I hate these feelings, it was so much better when I had none, and just put on a mask when I was around people. In a way I do still put on a mask, I have friends who tell me that I'm always so happy around them. Then I look at myself and realize that is so far from where I'm feeling. Right now I don't know how a feel and it bothers me... I'm taking off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im so glad you are taking off your mask!!!! And now that you are taking off your mask you can figure out all of your feelings and im very sure that you will be happier with it off!