
Save a Life, Give Blood Today!

Blood drips from his fingertips like water drops rolling off of a maple leaf. Each droplet falls to the ground in such a manner you would think it was raining. The blood gathers in a pool and creates a stream that slowly cuts its way on the porcelain, flowing to the steal drain at the bottom of the tub. Following the blood to the source you see tiny veins of it traveling down his palm like rain rolls down the windowpane. The source is a five-inch long gash, like a fault line from an earthquake, down his wrist. Small shards of glass glint like ice in the velvet red spring, remnants from the great tool that cut the flesh. The man screams, whether from pain or from the realization that he'll never live again. The scream sounds like a feral cat crying in the bushes after having its hind legs ripped off by a passing car. He staggers to the door, like a drunk trying to grab something that is just out of his reach. As he travels he leaves a trail of tiny red circles much like tracks of some lame and injured animal. He attempts to turn the brass doorknob; his strength fails him as he realizes the door has been locked. His body slides down the door, onto the white tile floor. After a matter of minutes he releases his last breath into the puddle of blood that had drained out of his body like a slow drip coffee pot. Death has taken its tragic toll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW.....WOW.....WOW....That is so crazy cool! Your such an amazing writer. Not only do you have a great story your Comparrison between things are so awsome. I absolutly LOVE it. You should write a book. Or some kind of short story.