
Nothing Really

The bloody hand embraces the cup as he takes his last sip before passing into the euphoric trance induced by the drink, seconded by the recent deed that was committed. The blood on the glass make it a slippery wet fish, and after loosing his current sense of will the glass becomes little bits of ice strew all about the bloody floor. He looks down at what just happened and starts laughing, hysterical is his laugh, so hideous that it brings tears to his eyes when he hears himself. Looking as what is on the ground he begins to realize what has happened. More laughter. Any second party viewing this seen would turn away and will the thick vomit back down their thoughts. As he laughs he leans up against the wall. His back slides down the crimson wall revealing the true tan color of the room. As he slides his laughter slowly subsides as the drinks effects plummet him further into the joyful numbness. The room suddenly starts to get darker, no not the room but his vision. Slowly he watches the last few shades of the room fade into black while he finally experiences nothing, something that he will still never know.

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