
Have a Good Day!

This morning while he was getting ready he actually looked in the mirror. Most mornings he would have looked and quickly exited the bathroom. This morning was different though. He was smiling. As he looked at the unknown man smiling back at him he suddenly got an odd feeling deep in his gut. It was nothing like the depression that he dealt with everyday, no, this was something that he welcomed. As he left the bathroom he noticed that he was still smiling, smiling at, well really absolutely nothing. As he thought more and more about this feeling he noticed he was elated above seemingly everything. He enjoyed this. As the day went on he noticed all the little things in the world, the birds joyful little sounds, the vivid colors of the trees and gardens around him, everything seemed so much better then the day before. Even that night he decided to go on a walk, the fresh cool air was crisp in his lungs and invoked a sense of calm that he could not ever place having before. As he changed into him clean warm pajamas the calm feelings remained with him, it was then he knew. As he fell into a deep slumber he knew that in the morning everything would be perfect.

Wow, that was extremely hard for me to write something positive... In the end I almost had him going asleep to his death but in the end I figured it might as well be a true change of pace. It seems so... uneventful of a story to me. I mean all of my writing is bad but this is utter crap!


Anonymous said...

of course it was boring, you didnt' go into enough detail. Logan, you need to get a grip and enjoy things more. i dont' know why it is so hard for you. i find it rather easy usually.

kabuku6 said...

Is this Meriie or BJ?
It ounds like Merrie but I can never be to sure...
Anywho I can't write happy feelings... to write about feelings you need to be experiencing them and well I really don't have much experiance at all with positive feelings.

Anonymous said...

Wow you saying you don't have much experince with positive feelings make me feel good!