
Dublin to Kyoto

Today my sister bought to my attention the trip I've been planning. The trip consists of starting in Ireland and making my way all the way over to Japan... It will be long, tiring, lonely, and hella fun! Anywho, my sister says I shouldn’t take a year of college and then go, because too many people get sucked into life as soon as the sweet poison of college touches their mortal tongues. (Well I made the analogy...) But yeah, she isn't the only one to tell me that, so now I am seriously thinking about waiting until next year and then take off for the trip, without going to college... Well not to say I will never go to college but I will wait until I get back.

Sometimes I don't know... I'd be alone and somewhere that I've never been. But then again wouldn’t that be the point? To have crazy experiences that you couldn’t get anywhere else. I know I will go on the trip... hold me to it please! For now I just have to start acquiring all my gear that I'll need (prolly $600 worth.) So please send me cash for my trip! It will be much appreciated and I'll bring you back a gift!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Logan, i am so excited for you!!!!! I want you to have a marvelous time and bring me something pretty back, ok? from like, Tibet or whatever, or Ireland or...well, pretty... and ooooooooooh, i am happy for you!