
My Vacation

Well I'm back from my vacation, it was fun... I didn't sleep all that much.

I have driven so much in the last week I feel as if I am more at home in a car. I was actually driving my friends Jon car more then anything. In fact I have driven that car more in the past week then I have driven my own in the past 2 months.

I've had a cold for the last week, I got it the night I graduated and just to show the cold how much I hate it I refused to change my schedule and in fact not only that but I also made severe efforts to exhaust my cold, and in the end exhausted me at the same time. It was fun!

Well I'm almost bored with this so I'm going to go get dressed and showered and stuff.


Anonymous said...

i miss you...... :"( <---(me crying)

kabuku6 said...

I miss you too!

I'm guessing this is Bobbie But you guys really need to sign your posts! I never know who is yelling at me!

Anonymous said...

fine i will sign this one....
i miss you......:"( <---(me crying)