
Just Complaints

The dashed line of the freeway or other motorway is so hypnotizing. It's almost telling you to go to Mexico. But why should we go to Mexico? I feel like going there almost any day I drive now. Is that because I want to get out? Perhaps, but why not else? Could it be that my little mind is demanding adventure, or perhaps is telling me that this is not the place for me right now? But why don't we listen more to our urges? Do what we want to, not what we are supposed to. Live like legends in the back of a car for a week and a half while we try to figure out just the perfect spot to watch the sun rise, only realizing that the best place was not a place, but right beside the person you love.

1 comment:

Corinna AKA Corinna said...

I can't tell you how many times I almost drove past Yreka and went to Portland. Wheee. I know what you mean.