

Some times I feel like a bitch. Just the way I think and the way I feel that everyone else should be, totally based on my damned opinions and the way I would like people to act around me.
What can I do?
Absolutely nothing but just shut my mouth and don't friggin hear about it.
Seriously, when I do think about it, all I get is bad ideas in my head, I start thinking of all the things I don't want to happen, I lose trust in people for things they've never done. I get upset about it.
I am a bitch.
I want to trust people, but it's hard.
Maybe it's just because I'm extremely insecure with myself, and I can't understand why anybody would actually enjoy me, beyond the fact that, I am a bitch.
I feel bad about it, but it's hard to stop. I'm afraid I'll lose people because of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK there I read it....
You bitch! :p