
Giant Cocklespoons

Work sucks out my will to live. I'm quite serious too. There are some days when I completely surrender myself to the world for a few hours hopping that by letting down my guard something will maim me in such a way I won't have to deal with any shit for the next very long time.

The biggest problem with my work is that it fuels the trip I wish to take. But in doing that it sucks out my will to live. And well truly my trip should be replenishing my will to live but since it is still so far off it only replenishes my will to live at a much slower rate then work destroys it. The only thing that really keeps me going is the two measly days I get between my regular weeks at standing stone.

After the fall of the Saladish Empire the majority of the small fluffy animals fled to the nearby valley of Flowderfloon. While the Flowderfloonians greatly enjoyed the presence of the small fluffy animals they did not enjoy the giant cocklespoons that hunted the small fluffy animals for food.

Look what I made...

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