
What happens to be on my head.

I am lonely. I admit this only because this is me right now. I know it's rather stupid for me to feel so down because of something to trivial, but I do. I think it might be of the memories I have of being with someone. No, not the cuddles and the kisses, but don't get me wrong those are nice. I'm talking about just how much nicer the air is, how much greener the grass is. I don't even necessarily want to be "with" someone, although that would be nice. I just want people who I can sit around with and just know that they're cool and they're there for me.

I like to cook. The only problem I have with cooking is figuring out what to cook. If someone puts down all the ingredients in front of me and says "Make this." I'll have no problem at all; in fact I'll enjoy it. But when it comes to me making something myself I always get stuck, never really know where to start. Half the time when I make anything though people always like it. It's really rather scary.

I just hit keys randomly sometimes when I'm typing and words that I don't even know why I'm typing them come out. It's kinda strange especially since they are real words they just haven’t gone through my head when I actually type them. Sometime I want to type without thinking at all and see what I end up writing. Knowing my head it should be semi-entertaining.

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