
I try to live.

There is nothing, not a word, not a sight, not even a smell. Why not? It doesn't matter because we're all just little specks of dust waiting to be inhaled into a giant kangaroos nostrils where we will then embark on the most entertaining few minutes of our life.

Think of the kangaroos sneeze like the big bang, only bigger.

Fuck... why do you even read all this bullshit? Seriously? half the time it's something massively incomprehensible, and the other half of the time it's me complaining about my friggin lack of love in a twisted and covert manner purely to disguise it from the reader who it is about. Either way do you gain anything from reading this?

Okay you can say you get to know the true Logan better, the one that doesn't give a shit about half of everything, but do you really? Is any of this randomness even a half open window into my persona? Can my random ranting and typing actually be me? I don't even know what I write about, I just type and let the words come to me, inserting fancy verbs here and there to make me sound half intelligent.

I'm not the same person I was 3 years ago, I don't say "'ey". I say "Howdy" I don't grunt, I mumble. I don't give a damn anymore, I try to live.


Anonymous said...

cool. no one is ever the same person. I try to hold onto the person I was three years ago, because I know three years ago I was happy. truth be told today lies far more unhappiness...but does it? am I choosing to see only the negative and ignore all that is placed in front of me? do I see what i've lost and ignore whatever there is to gain. yes, I do. I'm not the same person i was three years ago. I'm a hermit..hiding my own personal content from myself. I wish I was as blissful as I was three years ago. An ignorant girl in love for the first time. Sadly, love hurts. It comes and it goes. We live, we love, we hurt, we grow. so maybe now that i've accepted my negative fate, I should twist it into something much more....me...well me three years ago. Because I know that same smiling girl is trying to claw her way out. It's time for me to let her shine.

000110 said...

I read all of your bullshit because I care. I never really leave comments because I am lazy. I like reading your randomness, it makes me happy. As for not being the same person you were three years ago. I don't think any of us are. I know I'm not. Somethings about me are still the same but lots are different. The only way I can think to decribe myself is a complicated but simple girl. I don't really give a damn eaither but trying to live is all anyone asks of us. Smile.