

Here I am so worried about everything, never actually stopping and looking at everything going on around me. I really just need to stop and think. No, not think but think less. I think too much, my brain is always plugging away at the random shit inside my head. She loves me, she loves me not. I take little things and they suddenly mean the world. Oh, look at that! She smiled; it must mean that when the planets are aligned with the moon and the sun is on its downward decent that she absolutely hates me. It makes sense! Oh, why does the world hate me so? This is all in my head of course, but you can convince yourself about anything and everything. You can tell yourself that you are crazy, and well when you wake up on the floor foaming at the mouth wearing nothing but a pair of ladies underwear on your head, you might just think. I was right all along! So why tell yourself that you are crazy? Shit happens.

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