
Forgetting My Underpants.

Here I am trying to type this with one hand... It's a bitch and quite slow but I'll deal with it.

I'm really disappointed with where I am right now. I feel as if the last three months only enabled me to look into what my everyday life is and see that it's quite undesirable. I don't have any reason to stick around and really wonder why I don't just move on.

I've also hurt people. I don't like it, and I wish that it had never been an issue, but what can I really do now? It's all in the past and I've managed to screw things up in more ways than one. I'm not at all happy about the things I did, and I'm even less happy about the way I feel.

Me me me... That's really all it's about and that in itself bothers me. I've forgotten how to live.

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