
Hawaiian Shirts

There I was, just sitting there thinking of how great I'd look in a 1940's Hawaiian shirt. Not just the shirt I'd say but also maybe some leather strap sandals and rugged khaki shorts that came to just below the knees. On my head I'm wearing a pair of gun metal aviators with lens that would be just a hair too large for anyone else. A hat? I've never looked good in baseball caps and a safari hat would be a little cliche. More then likely the hair that I have right now a little rugged, but not out of control. Clean shaven surprisingly somehow. And there I am in the market, I think the small lady is Indonesian could be Malaysian though, it doesn't matter too much the fact is it's a small market and I'm buying bananas for a price that would be unheard of in a developed nation. And there it is, the ocean, bright blue waters, with a beach that looks like something out of one of those movies, you know, palm trees and thatched huts. This is where I'm supposed to be, without a care in the world.

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