
~chainsaws it all

There is just a little bit too much tension between the two of us, I'd really like for it to subside, but what kind of tension would it be?

I just wish you'd kiss me, or let me kiss you for that matter. I don't know what you want and that would be all I would need. You'd be able to figure it out depending on the kiss.

I'd love for you to yell at me, tell me to leave, get everything out on the floor. For you to tell me that my life is a waste and that my dreams will get me nowhere. Just do it, I need the push, see if I even bother to come around for dinner.

What do you really want? You say one thing, and then do another, I don't mind but like I said it creates tension. I may not be around for much longer but I'd still like to let you know just how I feel.

I really don't need to listen to any of it at all; do you understand why I stay out so late? Why when I am around I sit quietly trying my best to avoid detection. You really don't get what I need, or what I want.

Bottoms up, a miserable way to deal with it all but as long as I disguise it as having a fun time with friends I won't be that bad off.

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