
Go Big or Go Home...

There are a lot of things that I want to do in my life, and for some reason I feel like I have to do them all right now. Perhaps this is a healthy feeling for someone my age. Maybe this would be closer to someone going through a midlife crisis realizing that there is only so much left to do. Honestly I couldn't tell you. I'm still 22 and have done a lot for even that age. The problem is it never feels like enough. So what I've been to 30some countries, there are still well over 100 that I haven't been to! I've rode a motorcycle across the USA and gotten in two near death crashes! So? There are a lot of countries I haven't rode across! Nothing is good enough for me. What I do seems to be alright and unimpressive.

Go big or go home... And here I am, at home. I feel like I am setting the bar for the average person, and if I can't do better than that then why do I even bother?

I feel this is all very vain, but I also feel this is how my mind works. The only American part of my thinking; Go big or go Home.

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