
I I I I...

Sitting, starring into nothing, well not quite nothing, the computer screen is technically a vacum which means there is nothing in there, but that's far from the current point.

What is the current point? That is a good question, I really don't have a clue if I was even trying to make a point all I know right now is that I'm wearing boots.

I'm really angry? I dunno maybe so, I feel like I need to vent. I look at things and I picture throwing them across the room and watching them shatter into hundreds of little pieces.

Is this what beer has done to me? I think that when I leave I will leave a scar way to big to not notice. A scar on the mountain a scar on my soul.

I want someone to punch me right now.

And I'm not spell checking this one... I don't give a fuck right now.

1 comment:

peaceful rants said...

woah. this is an intense rant sir. i hope that some sort of peace has found you since this blog. even if it's merely a smile.