Yesterday I took my SAT, wasn't nearly as bad as was expected. Actually apart from the 4 hours it took out of my day I kind of like it! I know I might sound insane or something, but I like taking tests. It could be because I have always done really well on tests that I don't even study for, or the fact that I hate writing which make multiple choice tests all the better. But yes over the years I have come to enjoy tests. All the fun you can have by filling in each circle, and looking at the seemingly random pattern it creates on your paper, it is just so... amusing! (Yeah, I'm a guy and can be entertained by almost anything.) Well apart from how much I liked the test I think I did really well on it. On the verbal I think I was a little below average, but the math part was sooo easy for me! It made me happy.
After the test some friends and I went to the mall for lunch. Well I wasn't planning on eating because Ben had already given me French toast and Neva gave me an apple... So we get to the food court and I'm just tagging along and then, POW! Sarah makes me take her money so I can eat... I felt bad but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I end up eating a giant piece of pizza and half of Sarah’s food... (I'm a growing boy you know?) We get out of the food court and are going down some stairs when I decide to slide down the rail. Well Ben told me I would run into Neva and well I did. And in doing so I ended up flipping over the side of the rail and dropping ten feet. It was soooooo fun! Luckily I decided I liked my head (since it did to well on the SAT and all) so I landed on my feet.
Moral of this story: Listen to your friends, and then go against what they say. It's more fun that way!