
will this work?

Well I checked a box that said I could e-mail blog updates to my blog so I'm trying to now... Well anyways I've been at my dads house for awhile now and I'm rather bored... so I decided to try this!
Wow, this is so fun... Anywho if anyone I know reads this give me a call! I'd love to hear from you. This break is soooo rather boring and un-interesting! Please call me and liven this place up!
Well I should probably be going... but please call me!

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.


Poke! Poke! Poke!

Well it has been awhile since I've updated...

Anywho there was a party at my house this night, a winter solstice party to be precise. Well it was pretty fun, bonfire... cookies... people... everything to make it a good party. As for the rest of my day... It was hell. Well it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for the baker, oh how I loathe the baker... She is such a perfectionist... She requires me to make the lettuce for salads perfect... So perfect that instead of being a 7-minute job it turned into a 30-minute job... My gosh it was hell. It took me the entire day to catch up on dishes and even then I left before I finished all my tasks for the day. Yeah I don't care about my job anymore...

Well that was my complaint... I don't know what else to say besides life is such a puzzle... At times I think it would almost be easier to not exist. Just you get so confused, and even more confused, and don't want to deal with life in general... You come with a decision that you can see has no good choice... It's a loaded gun... You say one thing and it hurts someone else, you say the other it tears yourself up inside...

Life is a Chinese puzzle box that oozes worthless bits of experience and knowledge.


Dublin to Kyoto

Today my sister bought to my attention the trip I've been planning. The trip consists of starting in Ireland and making my way all the way over to Japan... It will be long, tiring, lonely, and hella fun! Anywho, my sister says I shouldn’t take a year of college and then go, because too many people get sucked into life as soon as the sweet poison of college touches their mortal tongues. (Well I made the analogy...) But yeah, she isn't the only one to tell me that, so now I am seriously thinking about waiting until next year and then take off for the trip, without going to college... Well not to say I will never go to college but I will wait until I get back.

Sometimes I don't know... I'd be alone and somewhere that I've never been. But then again wouldn’t that be the point? To have crazy experiences that you couldn’t get anywhere else. I know I will go on the trip... hold me to it please! For now I just have to start acquiring all my gear that I'll need (prolly $600 worth.) So please send me cash for my trip! It will be much appreciated and I'll bring you back a gift!


Scariest Few Seconds of My Life

Yawn... Unlike most people when I yawn I usually say it while I do it...

Well today I was thinking and absolutely nothing came to thought. It was rather strange, like usually I can think of something totally random, like that time when the Martians decided to blow up Jupiter but the only reason why they didn’t was because a cow got in the way of their giant laser beam. But yeah usually I can think of random ass things like that, and then when I tell my friends about them they think I'm on drugs. Anyways, today I could not think for the life of me... So what if the period only consisted of a couple of seconds, the fact is that those were the scariest second of my life! Well maybe not... I think the scariest few seconds was that one time... well that’s not part of today’s story, so I'll be quiet. Then again thinking is over-rated.


Cat Food Plague

Scene 1:
Jeff's is singing in choir and doing crazy stuff with his loony choir geek friends. Then it cuts to me rolling in bed just waking up. I get up to feed the cat and accidentally give it plague. At the same time the bell rings at school and Jeff goes to his next class. As Jeff mingles with friends at school I drive there and get there late for the class I have with Jeff. Then I start telling him about this kick-arse idea I have for a movie, then the teacher yells at us and we get to work.

Scene 2:
School gets out and I meet up with Jeff. I start telling him about this really kick-arse Idea I have which ends up being a movie. The scene I tell him about is the middle of the movie, so we continue to tell the story about the movie from the beginning until the scene that I thought of. As we are describing the movie it randomly cuts back to us (Princes Bride type thing going on.) The camera is slowly moving backwards as we walk to it. Throughout the movie it cuts back to us still walking just in different locations.

Well, I hope this movie will be good... I hope...


Martians Will Help

The fairies are coming! It scares the hell out of me... They all have their wings and are all fairy like... The worst is when they start talking to you and you talk back, then that girl that you're trying to impress sees you talking to yourself and when you try to explain the fairy's she just rolls her eyes and walks away. Then like when you try to smack them they disappear and you smack that kid that’s like twice you size and he gets mad at you... But not all the fairies are all that bad, like the other day I met one, its name was Frankfruit, he sat on my shoulder and helped plan things. I'd say stuff and he'd laugh, then he bought me a cookie (best cookie ever!) After like 5 hours of hanging out with me he said he had to go chill with his "fairy friend posse". And ever since then I've had the strangest feeling that all these goddamn fairies are watching me... And that's not even the worst part... Every once in a bit they light me on fire. So I start screaming, and then people just look at me really funny.

Well the fairies are far too dangerous for us to handle... I think we need to move to Mars.


1700's Death of an Onion

Yesterday I took my SAT, wasn't nearly as bad as was expected. Actually apart from the 4 hours it took out of my day I kind of like it! I know I might sound insane or something, but I like taking tests. It could be because I have always done really well on tests that I don't even study for, or the fact that I hate writing which make multiple choice tests all the better. But yes over the years I have come to enjoy tests. All the fun you can have by filling in each circle, and looking at the seemingly random pattern it creates on your paper, it is just so... amusing! (Yeah, I'm a guy and can be entertained by almost anything.) Well apart from how much I liked the test I think I did really well on it. On the verbal I think I was a little below average, but the math part was sooo easy for me! It made me happy.

After the test some friends and I went to the mall for lunch. Well I wasn't planning on eating because Ben had already given me French toast and Neva gave me an apple... So we get to the food court and I'm just tagging along and then, POW! Sarah makes me take her money so I can eat... I felt bad but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I end up eating a giant piece of pizza and half of Sarah’s food... (I'm a growing boy you know?) We get out of the food court and are going down some stairs when I decide to slide down the rail. Well Ben told me I would run into Neva and well I did. And in doing so I ended up flipping over the side of the rail and dropping ten feet. It was soooooo fun! Luckily I decided I liked my head (since it did to well on the SAT and all) so I landed on my feet.

Moral of this story: Listen to your friends, and then go against what they say. It's more fun that way!


Update 1.0

Happy December!

Would you really put happy in front of December? It sounds better then "Merry" but then again Christmas is in December and you say "Merry Christmas!" Another strange thing is how do you know that it’s not a different word like "Joyful"? Well I guess "Joyful December" doesn’t really sound that great... Hmmm... I can't think of any other words that go in front of times of year...

Well apart from that my December doesn’t seem to be starting off that great, mainly because I'm sick. I get sick like twice a year and I guess it had to be now... My symptoms go all the way back to the butter drinking incident. After I drank the butter my throat bothered me and it's only gotten worse since then. (I think I'll got burn a stick of butter tomorrow to smite it...)

I'm really looking forward to this winter break; I'll actually be able to visit my aunt that I haven’t seen since last spring break. And on top of that I get a few days without work or school! I should enjoy it; I plan on sleeping and visiting my girlfriend. But as soon as the break is it couldn’t come any slower... I have 2 and a half more weeks, they will be weeks of pain and struggling to keep from gnawing off my own leg to keep the boredom at a minimum...

I'm running out of things to say... um... bye.